Terms and Conditions of Use

Welcome to the CAESTUS FILMS website. Please take a moment to carefully read these terms and conditions, which govern your use of this site. By accessing this Site, you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions set forth below.

The website https://filminginmorocco.caestus.ma and all its sub-domains (hereinafter referred to as the “Website“) is owned and operated by CAESTUS FILMS, a company registered in Morocco, which is engaged in the production of audiovisual works on its own behalf and on behalf of third parties throughout the world, in particular feature films, short films, music videos, documentaries, advertising, promotional and institutional films, as well as all related activities.

CAESTUS FILMS publishes this website, which can be accessed at https://filminginmorocco.caestus.ma. Its purpose is to present the activities, projects, and services of CAESTUS FILMS. It also includes a blog where users can discover, share and exchange information on relevant topics in the audiovisual field.

These general conditions of use (hereinafter referred to as the “General Conditions of Use“) apply without restriction or reservation to the website and regulate access, consultation, browsing, viewing, and, in general, use of the website by any person who accesses it (hereinafter referred to as the “User“) from any terminal (personal computer, digital tablet, mobile phone, etc.).

Legal Information

Company name: CAESTUS FILMS s.a.r.l

Capital: 300 000.00 MAD

Office address: Angle avenue El Mouqawama et Avenue Kadi Ayad, immeuble Yasmine Bloc A, 8ème étage N° 95, Agadir, Maroc

Postal Code: 80000

City: Agadir

Country: Morocco

RC Agadir: 40435

ICE: 002110917000016

Email address: contact@caestus.ma

Telephone: +212 (0) 5 28 23 37 75

Website: https://caestus.ma

Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 9 am to 6 pm (UTC+1)


Use of the https://filminginmorocco.caestus.ma website implies acceptance by the user of the general conditions of use and the confidentiality policy. By accessing the site, the user acknowledges having read, understood, and accepted them.

Access to the Site

The user can access the entire website free of charge without having to register at https://filminginmorocco.caestus.ma. Access to the site requires a computer terminal connected to the Internet, and the cost of accessing and browsing the site shall be borne exclusively by the user.

Availability of the Website

The User is informed that CAESTUS FILMS may interrupt direct or indirect access to the Site, in particular for technical or editorial reasons (such as maintenance, updating, etc.), if necessary, without prior notice or information to the User, although CAESTUS FILMS will endeavor to inform the User in good time, subject to any technical and/or security requirements. Subject to these constraints, the Site is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Use of the Website

Users are solely responsible for their use of the Website and undertake to comply with all applicable laws and regulations. The User shall indemnify CAESTUS FILMS and/or any third party for any damage for which he or she may be held responsible.

Under no circumstances shall CAESTUS FILMS be held liable for any illegal or unauthorised use of the Website by the User. In this regard, the User agrees not to

– Use the Site or any part of it for commercial purposes;

– Perform or attempt to perform any act of forgery, by any means whatsoever;

– Perform any act of computer hacking and/or fraudulent data collection;

– Distribute viruses or other malicious devices or software that may harm CAESTUS FILMS or other users of the Site;

– Interfere or attempt to interfere with the operation and/or accessibility of the Site;

– use any automated system or software to capture or extract data from the Site (screen scraping / data scraping).

Intellectual Property Rights

The website and all of its contents, including but not limited to audiovisual works, texts, images, photographs, software, icons, graphics, layout, databases, trademarks, logos, etc. (hereinafter referred to as the “Content”), as well as the structure of the site and its editorial content, are protected by intellectual property laws, in particular copyright, trademark law and the rights of database producers, of which CA Immo International is the sole owner. The information contained in the Website (hereinafter referred to as the “Information”), as well as the structure of the Website and its editorial content (hereinafter referred to as the “Content”), are protected by intellectual property laws, in particular copyright, trademark laws and database producer’s rights, of which CAESTUS FILMS is the owner, assignee or licensee, subject to elements belonging to third parties.

Consequently, the user has no rights over the content of the site and may not reproduce, represent, adapt, translate, and/or transform all or part of the site or any of its elements without the express prior consent of CAESTUS FILMS.

However, the user is authorised to use the sharing functions offered on the site. The user is free to share this link with anyone he/she chooses, by e-mail, on social networks, or by any other means, in accordance with the instructions provided on the site.


CAESTUS FILMS uses reasonable efforts to include accurate and up-to-date information on the Site. However, we do not guarantee the information’s accuracy, completeness, or timeliness. Any use of the information on this site is at your own risk. CAESTUS FILMS does not warrant that the Site is free of errors, viruses, or other harmful elements, or that access to the Site will be uninterrupted or timely.

To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, CAESTUS FILMS shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, or special damages arising out of the use of or inability to use the Site, even if CAESTUS FILMS has been advised of the possibility of such damages.

Links to other Websites

The Site may contain links to third-party websites. These links are provided as a convenience to the User and in no way imply that CAESTUS FILMS approves, endorses, or accepts any responsibility for the content of such sites. The User acknowledges and accepts that access to these third-party sites is at the User’s own risk and that CAESTUS FILMS accepts no responsibility in this regard.

Protection of Personal Data

CAESTUS FILMS collects and processes the User’s personal data in accordance with its Privacy Policy, which is available at the following link Privacy Policy. The User is invited to consult this policy to learn more about the collection, use, and protection of personal data.

General Conditions of Use of the Blog

The Blog on the CAESTUS FILMS website, accessible at the following URL address: https://filmingmorocco.caestus.ma/news/ (hereinafter referred to as the “Blog“), allows users to publish articles, comments, opinions and to interact with other users on topics related to our activities and areas of interest.

By using the Blog, the User accepts, in addition to these General Terms of Use, the additional terms of use specific to the Blog. Please read carefully the following terms and conditions governing your use of the Blog.

  1. Publication of content: By publishing content on the blog, the user agrees to abide by the following rules:
  • You are fully responsible for the content you publish and you guarantee that you have the necessary rights to do so.
  • The content you publish must not be defamatory, libellous, obscene, fraudulent, infringe the intellectual property rights of others, or violate any applicable law.
  • You agree to indemnify CAESTUS FILMS for any content you post.
  • Comments must be relevant to the content of the article and respect the rules of decency and respect.
  1. Respect for other users:
  • You must respect the rights and opinions of other blog users.
  • Comments and interactions must remain courteous, respectful, and in line with good online communication practices.
  1. Intellectual property rights:
  • The content published on the Blog is protected by the intellectual property rights mentioned in these Terms of Use. You may not reproduce, copy, modify or distribute the content published on the Blog without the express permission of CAESTUS FILMS or the holder of the relevant rights.
  • The comments you post on the Blog remain your intellectual property. However, you grant CAESTUS FILMS a non-exclusive, free, worldwide, and perpetual license to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, and distribute your comments for the purposes of operating the Blog and promoting the Site.
  1. Liability:
  • CAESTUS FILMS is not responsible for the content published by users on the Blog. The opinions expressed in the publications and comments do not necessarily reflect those of CAESTUS FILMS. You are responsible for your interactions on the Blog and you will indemnify CAESTUS FILMS for any claims arising from your use of the Blog.
  • CAESTUS FILMS does not warrant the accuracy, reliability, or truthfulness of any information contained in any User Postings. The opinions expressed in the publications are those of the respective authors and do not necessarily represent those of CAESTUS FILMS.
  1. Moderation:
  • CAESTUS FILMS reserves the right to moderate comments and publications on the Blog to ensure compliance with the above rules. Contributions may be edited, deleted, or refused if they are deemed inappropriate or in breach of these Terms and Conditions of Use.

Please note that CAESTUS FILMS reserves the right to change the specific rules of the Blog at any time, without prior notice, in order to ensure compliance with moderation standards and the quality of interactions on the site.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the use of the Blog, please contact us at contact@caestus.ma.

Please note that the General Terms and Conditions of Use and the specific rules for the Blog form an integral part of these Site Terms and Conditions of Use.

Changes to the General Conditions of Use

CAESTUS FILMS reserves the right to change this legal notice at any time without prior notice. It is your responsibility to visit this page regularly to take note of any changes.

The Invalidity of the General Conditions of Use

In the event that one or more of the provisions of the General Conditions of Use is or are declared to be invalid in the application of any law, regulation, or following a final decision by a competent court, the other provisions shall retain all their force and scope.

Applicable Law and Competent Courts

The present Terms and Conditions of Use shall be governed exclusively by Moroccan law.

In the event of a dispute that cannot be resolved amicably, any dispute relating to the validity, interpretation, or performance of the Terms and Conditions of Use shall be submitted to the competent Moroccan courts.


If you have any questions or concerns regarding this legal notice, please contact us at the following e-mail address

For any questions or requests regarding the Site or these Terms of Use, the User may contact CAESTUS FILMS at the following address:

  • Address: Angle avenue El Mouqawama et avenue Kadi Ayad, immeuble Yasmine Bloc A, 8ème étage N° 95, 80000, Agadir, Maroc.
  • E-mail: contact@caestus.ma
  • Telephone number: +212 (0) 5 28 23 37 75